The public interest campaign for promoting environment protection “Don't ignore! React! ”, implemented by the Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) has also received support from President Stevo Pendarovski. In the coming period, the campaign, which was launched in March, will focus on the existing risks and consequences of climate change in the country. By supporting and participating in campaign activities, President Pendarovski will contribute to raising awareness among the public and institutions about the fact that the state should be more actively involved in the global fight to reduce the dangers of climate change.
According to the climate scenarios for our country, in the next fifty to one hundred years we are to expect warmer summers, less rainfall, unexpected extreme weather events, which can cause problems in domestic food production, water resources, forestry, biodiversity, the health system, tourism and in cultural heritage. Therefore, policies to mitigate climate change and implement effective solutions in the sectors that contribute most to greenhouse gas emissions, such as the energy industry, solid waste landfills, road transport, manufacturing industries and construction, are needed.
The campaign "Don't ignore! React!” brings together experts from various fields, civic activists and initiatives, NGOs and the media. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the need to address environmental problems more efficiently, as well as to encourage civic activism towards state and local institutions to embrace the concept of sustainable development. To date, more than 3,000 citizens have participated in over 50 campaign activities conducted in collaboration with faculties, secondary and elementary schools, civic organizations, initiatives and municipalities.
The campaign is being implemented as part of the project "Promoting Good Governance through Citizen Engagement for Increased Transparency and Accountability of Institutions", which is funded by the British Embassy in Skopje.